Yes, name that month. My critique group is gearing up to hit it hard in January. We always go big guns in January! So this month we’re hammering out goals, gearing up, preparing for a BIG BIG January.
We have one member of our group who is the goal making Queen. She gives us the structure for making goals and then we have at it. A few times a year, we post how we are doing on our goals. Helps keep us accountible…or makes us ashamed… 😳 I’ll try and share some of her goal setting tips at the end of the month.
In other news, I’m still working on the revisions for my one book, trying to fix the conflict. I’m almost there. But I decided to totally rewrite the last few chapters. That’s what I’m working on now. Hope to have it finished soon and mailed out.
Good luck on the rewrite, Kacey! Okay, I need help with goals for 2007 too. :useyourhead:
*whimper* Goals. Must start thinking of some….
I’m hoping to have my WIP finished in February at the latest. I only have about 15K to 20K left on it. Got a category length novel I’d like to have completed by then too.
Definitely December!
I decided to use Nano to FINISH the WIP but did not make it. I have seen some intriguing twists and turns but I need to get it DONE! In December.
I sound like Rainman…yeah, December…get it done, December, definitely December…
Yes! Lots of goals for January and sales! :beer: