wine on the keyboard

January 2008

Two Minute Meal

by Kay~Kacey on 1/31/2008

Really, a meal in two minutes. And it’s good. Okay, if you’re looking for a five course meal, this isn’t it. But now that it’s usually just the two of us, we occasionally do fake meals. And I happen to really like this one.
nine triscuits and cheese
Okay, for some reason the males in the house give me all sorts of guff about 9 crackers. I always do nine crackers. It’s the right amount for me. The males in the house just dump out a bunch of Triscuits, willy nilly, onto a big old plate. Do what you want, but I think the nine crackers look much tidier! 😉
Triscuit crackersReady for microwaving
Make sure you use the original Triscuits. They make other flavors. Don’t go there. You want originals. Trust me. Add another topping of choice if you want. (I like plain cheese ones too). This is sausage. I use leftover chicken, or sausage, or ham, or whatever we have wasting away in the fridge.
45 seconds in microwavePop in microwave for 45 seconds until cheese is bubbly. As a total aside, see those those cute, and I mean totally adorable, antique butter dishes that I collect sitting on top of the microwave?
Two Minute Meal
There you have it. The two minute meal. Serve with your beverage of choice… :mrgreen:

Do you have any fake insanely clever meals that you make?

Kacey vs Trash Guys-Finale

by Kay~Kacey on 1/30/2008

We Won! We Won! The cabinets are gone trash is all gone
Though, honestly, can I say we won…when it took us 3, count ’em THREE, weeks to get the cabinets to disappear?? And notice they threw the trash can on it’s side. Leaving it there in protest.

SixtyFiveDegreesIn other weird news. Check out my day yesterday. It started with a nice walk in 65 degree weather (got caught in a rain storm before I made it back though!) But, you know, it was almost 70 in January, so who really cared? I didn’t. And the iPod didn’t get wet!

SnowatbirdfeederThen ended with my poor birds eating at the feeder in the SNOW! See the snow on top of the feeder and along the railing in the background? Are you having weird weather like this? It dropped from 68 degrees to 14 degrees !

Trash Guys vs Kacey

by Kay~Kacey on 1/29/2008

If you’ve been tuning in, you know we’ve been having a bit of trouble with our trash guys. We started with putting out two old cabinets that had gotten warped and moldy from a flooded basement. So we put them out, and the trash men didn’t take them.

Okay, so anyway, maybe the cabinets were too big…but they weren’t any bigger than a trash can, and light weight. So for the next week, my dh, MrFixIt, knocks the cabinets apart and puts them out at the street for the trash pickup. All in a neat little stack. Nope, trash guys didn’t take them that week either.

So, in one more attempt my dh– SuperGuy by this point– put the chopped up into LITTLE DARN PIECES in a trash can. See?
trash out by street

Stayed tuned for the news after trash pick up time today! Hopefully, the last installment on how we got rid of the old, moldy, warped cabinets.

edited to add: see the end of the TRASH GUYS STORY here.