Ah, we’re home. I do like being home. Even though there is that whole real world adjustment thing. Unpacking. Going back to work. Sorting mail. Paying bills. You know, real life. Sigh. We really only had like 2 1/2 days out in the sunshine in Palm Desert before we had to leave. (I know, not a lot of sympathy for me, right?)
Everything here is so…how do you say it? BROWN. If it’s not brown, it’s gray. I captured this shot in the brief moments of sunshine we’ve had. I think it’s going to be a long winter…
But SuperGuy, the best husband in the universe :love: (even if I’m not speaking to him for 200 years 😉 ) went grocery shopping AND brought me back this wonderful bouquet of my beloved astramaris to help ward off the middle of the winter blues.
NOW I finally feel like it’s the beginning of a new year. Time to make plans, get organized, make changes. Declutter the house. I SWEAR.
I’m also going to redo the theme on this blog. Change is good sometimes, right? Just bear with anything I screw up in the process! I want a more flexible theme that I don’t have to mess with so much every time I upgrade WordPress.
We’re also talking about redoing our kitchen counters and SuperGuy wants a gas stovetop instead of electric. I think I’ll humor him. As far as I’m concerned, if he cooks, he can have whatever kind of stovetop he wants!
A little late, but nonetheless, welcome to the New Year!
(For those of you wondering. The War of the Roses. Mine were #1 and #3, SuperGuy had #2, 4, 5. I think his number 2 or his number 5 got the most votes :shakehead: 😥 )
Welcome Back, Kacey! Returning from a vacation is always a hard adjustment for me. It takes a couple weeks for me to settle back into normal life. It helps to have another vacation somewhere in the future to keep me hopeful. I’ve never been to Palm Desert but it looks beautiful.Thankfully you and Super Guy returned home safe and sound.
Welcome Home! I think it will be a long winter. It has felt like one already! The flowers though, do go a long way…i will have to speak to my hubby 💡
Welcome home! Even only two and a half days in Palm Springs sounds like heaven to me…
Yes, let SG get a gas cooktop. They are SO much better to cook with!
And I must confess I’m curious — what changes are coming?
Stay warm!
Gas stovetops are the best!
Well it’s about time you joined in on all the wintertime fun. :crazy2:
Welcome back, Kacey. Winter won’t last too much longer. Well, one can pretend, right?
Can’t wait to see your new design!
I hope he’s not rubbing that in since you’re already not speaking to him and all….!
Isn’t it amazing how monochrome winter gets? Welcome home!