wine on the keyboard

Designer Flip Flops

by Kay~Kacey on 10/1/2009

Ah, who knew? The Impish One is a trend setter!


He has designer flip flops! He said he’s wearing a lot of gray these days to match them :rofl:

Yes, well, he was helping my father seal a concrete driveway and patio…yes, with his good black rainbow sandals on… :wallbash:

They used to look like these….(modeled by the ever helpful The Photography One)


Really, I think The Impish One is holding out for a new trend in flip flops…he’ll be so in then. ‘Cause, you know, my boys are so worried about following the newest trends… :rofl:

As a total aside…have you ever tried Rainbow sandals?? They are SO comfortable!! You know how I’m all about comfortable shoes! As evidenced by my transformation from High Heels to Crocs!

(Obviously, these photos were taken right before Halo 3 was released!)

Mango Girl October 1, 2009 at 8:54 am

Ha! Mine are covered in a bright green from the dipping glaze. No one has ever suggested they were designer though. I must be doing something wrong.

Mental P Mama October 1, 2009 at 10:31 am

No pointing shot?

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