wine on the keyboard

April 2011

The Quest

by Kay~Kacey on 4/29/2011

Yes, I had a quest to identify this car on Annie’s property…

1942 chevy fleetline

I love old cars. They are just so…well, old and rusty and metal-ly (is too a word.) I asked SuperGuy what this was, but he wasn’t sure. He did say 1940’s though. That was my start.

fleetlineI did have this hint from the back of the car. An F…and and e. So I searched and searched and googled and browsed on Flickr.

Chevy fleetline 1942

I looked at bumpers and windows and chrome and fenders.

Finally! Ah, ha! I found it on Flickr! It’s a 1942 Chevy Fleetline!

1942 Chevy FleetlineSeriously, I spend a few hours figuring this out. I just HAD to know. (no clue why, but it bugged me that I didn’t know…) Anyway, it’s a grand cool old car, isn’t it?  (and Annie, next time we’re bringing a spade or shovel or something. I’m just sure the perfect old bottle was JUST below the surface!)

A Walk in the Woods-With Annie

by Kay~Kacey on 4/28/2011

So Annie of Tombsone Chronicler came to Missouri to visit her parents and I got to meet up with her and play on her parents’ gorgeous property in Columbia. Her parents are ever so charming and I had the. best. time.

After chatting for a bit, Annie and I headed out for the dump. Yes, the dump. A treasure trove of interesting discarded bottles, jars, and other stuff.

at the dump

Here is Annie with some of our stash that we uncovered. (tomorrow’s post will be about this car…)

old road in the woods-columbia missouriAfter satiating our desire for old glass bottles and jars, we headed out down this old overgrown road on her parents’ property.

bluffs of grindstone creek

Then we walked along the bluffs of Grindstone Creek. These photos so don’t do them justice. It was just gorgeous!

Grindstone CreekHere we are at at branch of Grindstone Creek…the same creek that runs behind The Love Nest!

dog in creek

Cody came along on our hike to play in the creek keep us company.

annie's treeFinally, Annie led me along the creek and I got to see her tree. Yes, the very same on that is on her blog header! I wish I could have gotten closer or had my telephoto lens with me, but the creek was up and there was really no safe way to get over there (especially carrying my camera!)

Annie's homeAfter hiking around for a few hours, all good things must come to an end. We ended up on the other side of Annie’s parents property. Seriously, isn’t this land just gorgeous?? I had a fabulous time, and can’t wait for Annie to come back this summer to se can go exploring again!

Easter Egg Adventures

by Kay~Kacey on 4/26/2011

Ah, yes. You didn’t think I’d miss posting photos from the annual Great Easter Egg Shootout. ™. Lots and lots of pics…
the target
This year’s target…my sister picked it out. aaarrrrrrr! (We’re not sure what a pirate has to do with Easter, but we’re flexible if nothing else.)

sling shot easter eggsHere’s a bird’s eye view of shooting the eggs with the sling shot. (photo courtesy of the ever talented SuperGuy.)

I shot too.

Too prove a point. I shot the eggs too! (photo courtesy of my oldest son…I had to make sure he gave me back my camera after this!!)

sling shot time

Lots of concentration.

Did it hit?

Did I hit it?

sister shoot

Even my sister got in on the shooting.

egg shoot

My brother-in-law doing his best to out shoot the boys.

more egg shooting

Everyone got in on the shooting.

superguy shooting eggs

Look at his face!!! :rofl:

some people had a really good timeSome people had a really REALLY good time!

dad shooting easter eggsNot to be out done by the youngins, my dad took a crack at it too. (So did my mom, but I have that on video…soon to come…)

youngest trying to get groundedAh, my young son trying his best to get grounded by aiming the slingshot at his mother….

my sisterA pic of my sister, just because I rarely capture a photo of her without her making a face at me…

mom blowing bubbles

My mom, forever young at heart, blowing bubbles.

So what do you do with a shot up pirate full of eggs when you’re finished??

then we were doneBurn his remains, of course… (I did not want those stinky broken eggs in my garbage until Thursday!)

As an aside…do you know how stressful it is to make sure I have a photo of everyone?? Well, anyway…I have more up on my Photography Blog. So, if you are missing here (that would be you, Tyler…) head on over to Kay Pickens Photography to see more photos and bigger photos!!! I swear, I could have posted a hundred of them. I’m also working on a video, but don’t have the music for it yet.