wine on the keyboard

Old Ramblings

Me Weekend

by Kay~Kacey on 5/17/2007

I’m taking the weekend off for a me :love: weekend. I’m going to read, watch chick flicks, eat chocolate. I’m going to write on whatever I want–putting aside my proposal for 3 days. I’m claiming the remote, and the choice of music. It’s all about me this weekend, baby! :clap: :dance:

what do you do to procrastinate?

by Kay~Kacey on 3/9/2007

I’ve actually had a great writing week so far…but I did catch myself procrastinating a few times when the writing wasn’t going so well.

Like the top of my refrigerator is now perfectly clean… When is the last time you cleaned the top of YOUR fridge… 😯 I also washed my front door. Yes, I know, but it needed it :rofl:

So what unusual things have you done in an effort to procrastinate??

Really anal obsessive things

by Kay~Kacey on 3/7/2007

So in an effort to figure just what I really have out here on my computer writing-wise…SCARY THING 😯 I went through my computer files this past weekend. Listed off all the partially written stories I have, if there’s a synopsis and or blurb, how many pages.

I have a lot of unfinished stories.. :coffee2: I have my fair share of completed books, but just tons of stories I’ve started and abandoned for one reason or another. But I do like having them listed all out. Now I can weed out what stories are viable. Throw the list of vague ideas in a file to simmer. Yes, organization. Who would have thought?? I did find some awesome start of stories. I’ve printed them out and dropped them in files in my writing drawer. I’ll look through them periodically to see if any of them catch my attention again and beg to be written out to completes.

and don’t listen to this if obsessively anal things bug you… :secret:

I listed them all…everyone of them… on a spreadsheet… :rofl: