You guys know I adore SuperGuy, right? Well, my dear husband surprises me with little things. Like, for instance, he knows of my addiction rather strong liking of all things candy corn.
Remember last year when I discussed how candy corn with the “chocolate” layer in it is just WRONG? I’m a candy corn purist. :angel:
Speaking of purist…he showed up with this bag of candy corn for me. Yes, the generic grocery store brand of candy corn.
It. Was. Horrid.
Now I realize that candy corn has no redeeming nutritional value…but, still… how can you ruin it? Give me back my BRACH’S candy corn!!
While it is truly the thought that counts…and it was so nice of SuperGuy that
1) he thought of me when he was out grocery shopping
2) he was grocery shopping in the first place
3) he remembered that I love candy corn
I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to add a new rule to my candy corn addiction. No “chocolate” layer. Has to be Brach’s.
But thank you, honey. It really is the thought that counts! :love:
Be sure and check back tomorrow. I’ll have the photo of the month contest up. We had a ton of entries and they are great! See you then.
(what is YOUR candy of choice??)