wine on the keyboard


New Kitties!

by Kay~Kacey on 9/20/2005

There is a cat back in my house, all is right with my world. Well, actually, two new kitties. We got them this weekend at the adopt-a-thon they had city wide. From the Humane Society. A girl and boy. Aren’t they cute??? new kitties

Now, I’m getting a LOT of help with names…
Black and White (notice they are both black)
Fast and Furious
Frick and Frack (sp?)
One and Two
Pink and Green (the color of their collars…)

Watching Dinner

“Pink” has discovered the fish tank…
round and round

“Green” has discovered hours of fun with the ball in the ring toy.

And there are more great names suggested:
(nasty male suggestion) never mind :mrgreen:
Home and Depot 🙄
Steak and Shake
TC and TOC (The Cat, and The Other Cat)

Needless to say, the kitties don’t have names yet…