wine on the keyboard


The Decision is Made

by Kay~Kacey on 5/16/2008

Yes, the decision is finally made.

ride 'em cowboy
I’m going to The Impish One’s high school graduation tonight.

playing with chalk

I mean he’s my baby. How could I not go? (see how he was a little imp, even at a young age?)

beats me
But here is the impossibly cute Geeky One. While I’m still not pleased about missing The Geeky One’s College Graduation across the state, I figured the choice of just staying in bed with the blankets up over my head was not an option.


I mean, who can resists this face?? I’m just so sorry I have to miss his college graduation!! People (colleges and high schools) should REALLY be required to consult me before setting graduation times. Especially those with the tendency to pick the exact same time, in two different cities!! The jerks.

But you know what I really can’t figure out??

sleeping babies

How in the world did they get from this….

all grown up

To this?? In just a moment’s time.

Do NOT put me in this choosing between two sons again. Ever. :mad2:

Being the mature person I am 🙄 , I’m going to go to the high school graduation, take pics for SuperGuy to see, then go home and have a drink… :beer: Though, honestly, at times today the option to stay in bed with those covers up has seemed tempting. 😉 I sent SuperGuy over to The Geeky One’s graduation. I’m hoping the Photography One will get some good pics of the college graduation for me.

In a Reflective Mood

by Kay~Kacey on 4/30/2008

Do you ever get in a reflective mood?
glass ball reflecting on table

Ever wonder what would have happened if you made different decisions in your life? Like what you studied in school? What house you decided to buy? What person you decided to marry?

reflections in revo sunglasses

You don’t get do-overs in life, of course, but sometimes you do make better decisions the second time around. Like me marrying SuperGuy. :love:

When in I get in these reflective moods I often wonder what I would have changed in my life. But then I realize that all the choices that I made in my life led me to where I am today, and the person I am today. There are things I wish I had done in my life though. Three off the top of my head:

3 Things I wish I had done/had happened differently

1) taken photography in college (no surprise there)
2) moved out of the city before becoming so entrenched here
3) had a daughter (like that was out of my control)

Not that any of these are out of my reach now. Well, I can’t move right now because we have too many responsibilities here, but eventually we can move. Can’t have a daughter now, that ship has sailed. Who knows though, the boys will marry. Maybe one of their wives will seem like a daughter to me. And, of course, I can still take a photography course.

flowers in reflection ball Though I’m not really sad about any of the things that didn’t turn out exactly how I expected in my life. It led me to where I am now. I’m a very happy person now. I wonder if women just seem to know more what they want and go after it at this stage of life? I’ve met more women in their mid 40’s through their 50’s and into their 60’s who seem to be much happier than they were at any other stage of life. I wonder why that is? I know I care less now about what other people think about my decisions. I have a bit more time to pursue the things that interest me. It’s a really good stage of life to be in right now. (knock on wood).

How about you? When you reflect back on your life, what do you wish you had done differently? Or do you? Are you glad you made the choices you did? Anything you’d like a do-over on?