wine on the keyboard


Worst Mama in the World

by Kay~Kacey on 7/24/2008

I have some bad news to report.

I’m not very happy…

Remember that cute wild turkey family in my backyard? With the THREE baby turkeys?

wild turkey momma and baby turkey

Now there is only one… Here is Mama Turkey pretending that she’s this great mama, watching over her baby.

Only she saw me taking pictures and ran for the woods.

little baby turkey

Leaving her baby turkey all alone. Which is probably why there is only ONE baby turkey now. She gets the Worst Mama in the World award from WineontheKeyboard…and that’s saying a lot considering the screw ups I made raising five boys…

I'm Lost

Mama?? Where are you? Mama??

(doesn’t she look all lost and alone?? 🙁 )

The Babies are Here! The Babies are Here!

by Kay~Kacey on 7/16/2008

You know how The Human was wishing for some babies??

Well, we decided not to keep her waiting any longer.

baby turkey

Am I not the cutest little baby turkey you’ve ever seen?

learning to stand on his own

Look! I learned to climb up on this log. I’m so brave. Though, my silly brother flew up and sat in The Human’s window sill! Luckily The Human didn’t have that black clicky thing in front of her face. I heard The Human say “where is the d**n camera.” Mama said it’s not nice to swear though. Maybe The Human doesn’t know that?

turkey and friends

We have lots of friends in the backyard. The bluejay kind of scares me though.

mama turkey

Mama watches over us while we play.

two baby turkeys

The Human kept encouraging us to go over and play in the greenery. Something about us blending in with the brown dirt and she couldn’t get the shot. I don’t want her to shoot me! Well, I don’t know about The Human, but I love to play in the dirt. The green stuff over by Mama looks a bit spooky. A baby turkey could get lost in there!

turkey hiding in plants

I Want Babies

by Kay~Kacey on 5/22/2008

I want babies. Well, not really. I mean I don’t want babies. Let me start again…

I want these to have babies…

turkey in the backyard

We had baby turkeys last year, but I didn’t get photos of them. I know, I know, how unlike me!!

smart turkey

This turkey is going to have smart babies, don’t you think? I mean, can’t you just tell?

The only bad thing about turkey babies is that I have this need to count the baby turkeys everyday….and, well….the number goes down and down. We have wild coyotes in the woods behind us. I have mentioned that we live smack in the suburbs, haven’t I?? In a neighborhood, for pete’s sake. I hate counting the baby turkeys and seeing one…or two…or more missing from the bunch.

As a total aside…these shots were taken by The Impish One. See the problem I have with cameras in my house??? They keep getting stolen!!

Back to the turkeys…So what time of year do turkeys have babies anyway? Any guesses on how many baby turkeys we’ll start with this year?