Here’s a cool toy. A blog search engine. Just put in some keywords and see what you come up with. If you add quotes around the search term it will narrow it down even more.
Search for your name
Your book title
Your blog name
I did an interesting search on “gh scores” and “golden heart scores” and “Rita Scores”
Have fun!
This was fun, thanks!
I’ve googled my name before. I get a few hits for me when I put in my full name. I tried the gh scores and got some interesting stuff. Thanks, I’ll keep trying. Wonder what I’ll get if I put in Johnny Depp?:love:
You always find the coolest stuff!!! :secret:
Oh, that’s very cool! :cool2:
Cool! How do you find this stuff??
I searched my name before; it was fun. Off to search the title for my blog. Great advice!
Ah, a lot more fun than revisions! 😀