I love going on vacations. It’s the most concentrated time I get to spend with my boys. We’ve been doing Spring Break vacations with them for that last 5 years or so. It’s good to get away from routines, hang out, talk, catch up.
But I love coming home too. Back to my space, my things, my bed! Back to the sites out my office window.
These pretty little crocus greeted me when I got home. See, winter is almost over…
Even if it’s chilly here and I’m back to long sweats and winter crocs.
Don’t forget to send me a link to your March photo of the month. (More info at the link) Use my contact form-there’s a link at top of blog, or email me at the email address I leave on comments on your blogs.
And did I mention it’s GREAT to be home? :coffee2:
Pretty crocus’! Mine have left already and now the tulips are blooming. Glad your back home! 😉
Hi, Kacey, thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet another fellow baby boomer too. Your blog looks like fun and I see you just got back from the beach. We are headed down there in May & I can’t wait. Silky, white sand…nothing better. Hope you’ll drop by again.
Happy spring,
Glad you had a great vacation… and yes, maybe by wearing those crocs, we can will it to be warm!
I’m so jealous of your crocuses (crocusi? LOL)… I’ll have some by mid-April, hopefully.
Thanks for coming by earlier!
Glad you’re home, Kacey! And once I upload my photos that I took (technically in March, but probably won’t appear until tomorrow’s blow), I’m going to enter the contest!!!
I meant bloG, not blow. Sheesh.
What a treat to see the crocus! Mine are still buried under a slowly melting snowpile.
LOL, Melissa, I kind of like the typo… :rofl:
Rhoda and SusieJ, welcome to Wine on the Keyboard. Stop by anytime. The door is always open
HillBilly2, if you’re already into tulips, your spring is way ahead of ours!
ah, Marianne, so you’re behind us in spring! Good to know someone is!
I love coming home. Before I go away, I have to get my house really spotless. Then when I come home, I’m always surprised and want to know “who lives here?”
Hey, here’s my March photo of the month:
Also, I’ve got an award for you on my blog. You deserve it. :typing:
I noticed our lily bulbs are emerging. We usually get lillies in early summer. And my darn dahlias never did die back this year.
I’m good for about 10 days of vacation then I’m ready to go home. Even when we go to Hawaii, after a week I’m ready to pack it in.
It is wonderful to spend time with family. My son was just here for a short visit and as much as I love having my kids home, there is something special about that feeling of contentment when they leave and the house is back to being mine.
Love the winter crocs. It is the first pair that I have seen. We don’t have winter, let alone winter crocs here in So. California.