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wine on the keyboard

Blog Names

by Kay~Kacey on 2/13/2005

okay, blog names interest me. How and why people come up with them. This site lists most used words in blog names. Scroll down to see the top 100 words. Interesting.

Blog, of course, was the word most used. I found it interesting that “girl” was the 11th most used word. 15th -20th most used words included diary, musings, and ramblings.

there are blogs with interesting names:
Does this Blog Make my Butt Look Big

then there are blog names that do a good job describing what they are about:
writers and yet more writers

And the cleverly named Romance industry blog
Romancing the Blog

I talk about why I call my blog Wine on the Keyboard here. 😎

Have you come across any blogs with cool names? Did you name your blog?

Suzanne February 13, 2005 at 6:28 pm

THAT was really interesting!!!

Margery February 14, 2005 at 5:02 am

I don’t think I had a choice. If I did, I didn’t know it I’m so untechie. :confused:

Katie February 14, 2005 at 5:49 am

Oh, the pressure!!! No, no cute and catchy name for mine yet. Something else to worry about instead of getting that elusive wouldbeinterested! :beer: (I still like this one!)

kacey February 14, 2005 at 9:07 am

:beer: like that smilie too, Katie
:useyourhead: Use your head is kind of nice when people annoy you and do something stupid..
not sure when the coffee one is appropriate, but cute none the less :coffee:

Vicki February 14, 2005 at 11:23 am

One of these days I’ll have to come up with a name for mine. Let’s see… what could I use if I go with my Tori persona?

Tori’s Treasures (hmm, sounds like an antique store :grin:)

Must think on this….

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