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wine on the keyboard

re entry hell

by Kay~Kacey on 3/7/2005

Need more coffee…:coffee2: Yes, it’s back to the real world today. First day back at work after a week’s vacation. I do NOT want to go! :frown: This time I was even smart enough to get us back on Saturday night so we’d have a day of downtime in between. What a joke. I did hours of paperwork that had stacked up, paid bills and never even got unpacked.

Now usually I’m a first thing unpacker. Like within an hour you’d never know we’d left. Today I’ll be dragging stuff out of the suitcases in a desparate attempt at getting ready for work. And people better be nice to me today at work. Or they’ll be sorry! :angry:

Today I want to stay home and write :typing: in between reading and drinking coffee :coffee: then switch to beer at the appropriate hour :beer:

Tomorrow I’ll be back with a less whiney post. I promise. 😉

kacey March 7, 2005 at 7:48 am

I know, I know! Commenting on my own post! But the smilies made me feel better :mrgreen:

Katie March 7, 2005 at 12:43 pm

:beer: I adore them too!
And I want your fantasy day!!! Maybe we should invest in lottery tickets? :useyourhead: Or not.
Hope you are feeling better and get unpacked soon!

Suzanne March 8, 2005 at 5:54 am

You’re unpacking TODAY? I usually wait a month after a trip to unpack…..:rofl:

Michelle March 8, 2005 at 6:13 am

I totally sympathize. I would much rather be writing today than going to work. Have a good day! :book:

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