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wine on the keyboard


by Kay~Kacey on 4/18/2006

okay, I have a confession. I have something that drives me NUTS… :crazy2:

I have to revise on hard copy. Yes, printed out. Double spaced. I just cannot revise from the computer screen. Oh, I go over what I’ve written the day before to get me back into the story, and catch things there. But real revisions? Must be on paper. Double spaced.

And non of this printing out landscape two pages per page “book style” either. Tried that. Doesn’t work.

Printed out. Double spaced.

Seems like such a waste of paper and ink. Even if I use up scrap paper that has stuff on the other side.

Printed out. Double spaced.

I KNOW. I’ve tried every other more economical way to revise. Just doesn’t work for me. So today I’m going through my double spaced synopsis and making revisions. Then on to the first two chapters or so if I have time.

I should really learn to be a more flexible writer… :coffee2: So how do you revise? On the computer? :typing: Print out SINGE spaced–lucky you!

Tori Lennox April 18, 2006 at 8:50 am

I do better with double-spaced hard copy, too. And I agree, it seems like such a waste of paper & ink. I keep wondering if a laser printer would be more economical for doing that. Then I could save my inkjet for printing color stuff.

Michelle April 18, 2006 at 11:42 am

I do revisions on single-spaced landscape format. But line edits? No way. I have to double-space those. I can’t see the errors otherwise because I read too quickly. For revisions, that’s a good thing because I can see the overall picture. Not line edits. :typing:

Melissa April 18, 2006 at 12:51 pm

I usually do better at revising on the computer, but I don’t always catch the little errors. So I guess I do both – revise on the computer and on hard copy (and yeah, it’s single-spaced – DS just freaks me out too much for some weird reason!):rofl:

Gina April 18, 2006 at 1:50 pm

I revise by computer mostly, but I have thought about doing print-outs too.

Kelly April 19, 2006 at 7:38 am

I revise on screen first, but then I have to do a full printout for my final read through. I have to read it like a book to pick up all the things I miss on screen. I think the computer screen hypnotizes me so I don’t see the mistakes…

Teresa April 19, 2006 at 8:54 am

Me too, Kasey – I MUST revise on hard copy. And usually doublespaced etc, though if I’m running low on paper, I do print galley style, but only if necesary.

Hope to catch up on the rest of your blog entries before I go – but right now, packing rules. *deep sigh*. I’m going to love BEING on the West Coast, just am no really keen on getting ready to go out there 🙄

Amy K April 19, 2006 at 3:19 pm

I like to read the story and make marks on a hard copy as well. But the thing is, I rarely use those revisions. Small edits, yes, I’ll transfer them from hard copy to computer. But for big storyline revisions, I just get ideas in my head while I’m reading and then revise on the computer. Kind of an extra waste of paper. (Double-spaced, too.)

Rene April 19, 2006 at 6:36 pm

I don’t usually revise because everything I write is perfect :rofl::rofl:

Anyway, I used to be that way but found I’d lose my pages or ignore my revisions when I typed them into the WIP. So I just do it on screen now.

Sharon April 20, 2006 at 8:22 am

I like hard copy too. For one particular manuscript that I made major changes for, the paper had shit written all over it. I wrote in the margins, between the lines, drew arrows pointing to the back of the page where I’d write paragraphs.

To me it just seems less overwhelming on paper. Dunno why.

LoryKC April 20, 2006 at 9:02 pm

I am the same way. I’ve been trying to reform as I too hate to waste all that paper. It’s the only way that really works, though!:coffee:

Mary April 22, 2006 at 10:42 am

I change the font first, so it doesn’t take up as many pages. And I print on the back of old contest entries and such.

I highly highly recommend a laser printer, though. I got mine for $100 two years ago and I think I’ve only bought 4 cartridges at around $50 a pop. Considering I was buying black ink in bulk, it’s a huge savings. Plus much faster than ink jet.

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