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wine on the keyboard

yes I know

by Kay~Kacey on 6/30/2006

it’s been forever since I blogged! We didn’t even name JUNE!

It’s crazy busy here in the summer. Work is nuts. I’m so jealous of people who have summers off!

Anyway, it always takes me awhile at the beginning of the summer to get back into the writing groove. I think I’m back there now. Working on a new proposal. You know, cutting the backstory dump out the first 3 chapters on revision… Whipping the synopsis in shape. Reminding myself to show more of the emotional journey than the silly subplot… :mad2:

So one thing that kicked my butt back into gear is a post that Amy made at Writeminded. She talks about inspiration and setting goals. No, go ahead, go read the post and come back. 🙂 She is right that Debbie Macomber gave a great talk at RWA National last year. About making goals. I never did fill out my bright index card she gave us to write down our goals. I should have. My CP’s and I do goals every year, but somehow when the rush of summer hits at work, I flounder.

So no more excuses. Back to writing even if I have a horrible day at work and I’m exhausted. I have to find a way to not let the summers defeat me!! :beer:

Teresa July 1, 2006 at 10:14 am

I know what you mean about needing to set goals. And have no idea where my index card from last year went. Somewhere in the move – doubtless it will turn up when we rescue stuff from storage :rofl:

Welcome back to the blogosphere :beer: and hope you make some good progress on your new proposal :typing:

Tori Lennox July 1, 2006 at 3:01 pm

I never even got around to setting goals this year. 😮

Michelle July 2, 2006 at 3:55 pm

You can do it, Kacey!! Welcome back!

LauraP July 4, 2006 at 2:00 pm

Good to see you back, Kacey. Summer’s still a challenging time for me to write, too. I used to blame it on the kids, but really, it’s just me needing to be busy outside. I’ve been taking a notebook out to the hammock in the orchard, making some progress there in what would otherwise be ‘wasted time’ while I catch my breath, cool off, etc.

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