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wine on the keyboard

Jump Right In

by Kay~Kacey on 1/14/2007

So I jumped right past that whole fear of first page, and I’m busy on a proposal for Super Romance. It’s a little cutting edge, so we’ll see how it flies. Anyway I’m at the point where I have to write the synopsis :wallbash:

My usual method is to get an idea, mull it over, write the first 3 chapters or so to get to know the charcters. Write the synopsis, then rewrite the first 3 chapters :mrgreen: :typing:

I find that if I can really nail down the GMC for both the hero and heroine, and their character arc, I can really get a handle on the story and avoid the whole sagging middle. But I just beat my head against the wall trying to really, REALLY nail down the whole GMC/ Character arc thing. I sometimes think I over analyze this. 🙄 But I also know that if I DON’T really nail this down, I wander off in tangents on my manuscript.

Now, I don’t plan out every detail. I find that just know the above will allow me to sit down and write the book. Quite often the black moment changes by the time the book is finished though. :mad2:

How about you? Do you really think about this stuff? Know the GMC and what the character has to learn before you’re very far into the book?

LoryKC January 14, 2007 at 11:14 pm

Nope. whether I plan or don’t plan ahead…the book veers off in the middle and goes in directions I’d never imagined…

Rene January 15, 2007 at 9:19 pm

GMC is a brand of truck. That’s how much I think of it. I don’t worry about it. I’m more of a “hero’s journey” plotter. Well, I don’t plot. I have an idea for the beginning and the end then figure out the middle as I go along.

Suzanne January 17, 2007 at 8:13 pm

I have no idea how I do anything…..:confused:

Amy January 18, 2007 at 9:33 pm

I think about it WAY too much. Drive myself nuts. Good luck with the proposal! You know I would LOVE having you join us!!

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