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wine on the keyboard

one of those lightbulb moments

by Kay~Kacey on 3/6/2007

So I have been beating my head against the wall. Trying to figure out the internal conflict for my hero in my story. And I had this LIGHTBULB moment. 😯 Here I am trying to whip my story into a category proposal. Cut out some secondary characters. Scale back the heroine’s POV. Figure out the hero’s goal. Then it came to me…this ISN’T a category story. No matter how much I want it to be. It’s a single title. DUH. Just because I want to get a proposal back on the desk of an editor from a category house who has been giving me good feedback on my submissions…doesn’t mean this story is going to fit the bill. It so isn’t.

Single Title. That is all there is to it. :mad2: I can at least admit this now :mrgreen:

LoryKC March 6, 2007 at 3:06 pm

A single title is plenty! Now you know exactly what you have to work with–that’s great!
Congrats on the organization, too–I wonder what that’d be like?!:crazy2:

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