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wine on the keyboard

Writing Vacations

by Kay~Kacey on 11/13/2007

No, not taking a vacation to write…though that sounds really, really nice :typing: I mean taking a break from writing. I often take the month of December off from doing much serious writing. The holidays are crazy busy, my kids all come home and I like to just hang out with them.

I’m going to take Thanksgiving week off this year, but still plan on writing until the weekend before Christmas. Then I’ll probably not do any serious writing until after the new year. I always hit the new year off with a running start.

Do you take time off from writing during the holidays?

Gina November 14, 2007 at 11:43 am

Nope. I actually find I have more time to write then!

Melissa Marsh November 14, 2007 at 2:33 pm

Not usually – when I get a few days off I like to work on my novels. I’m more in the mood to write during the holidays for some reason!

Tori Lennox November 14, 2007 at 4:42 pm

I’m not planning to stop, but I don’t have a lot to do either.

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