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wine on the keyboard

A Blogging Poll

by Kay~Kacey on 6/23/2008

As some of you know, I co-author a How-to-Blog blog, DandelionBlog I’m doing a little research on blogging preferences. So who better to come to than my blog readers? Would you mind answering some quick questions? Then in the comments you can expound on any of your answers. Or ask more questions. Or tell me to get lost. 😉

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Yes, this is a terribly scientific poll, why do you ask? 🙄 If you have any other blogging friends to send this way and answer the poll, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for your help! Any comments on any of the questions, why you chose an answer, or anything else you want to add is appreciated!

Tess Harrison June 23, 2008 at 6:05 am

Look at you pulling me out of lurkdom to take the poll. :coffee2:

I recently moved from Blogger to Wordpress. And even though I don’t have everything figured out yet, I do like it a lot. One of the main reasons for my switch was to have my blog an actual part of my website.

I read the Dandelion Blog. I love the tips you guys post. :secret:

Mental P Mama June 23, 2008 at 6:56 am

Kacey, I have enjoyed Dandelion for months…thanks for all you do!

Tracey June 23, 2008 at 7:28 am

I personally don’t mind filling out the Captcha thingy (I know, so articulate!) but I know lots of people who HATE it!

ellen b June 23, 2008 at 8:43 am

The sites that really bug me are the ones that have things flashing at you all over the site and so much advertising in the margins that they take too long to upload. I don’t know if I’m using the right technical words. I like to see new posts. Wordy posts that are way too long drain all the energy out of me. I’ve been a guest poster on a blogger site and the edit page really gets me down compared to Wordpress. It’s so easy to create a post and edit a post with wordpress and the photos go and stay where I want them to! Boy I just complained about being wordy and look at me.

Suzanne June 23, 2008 at 9:30 am

That was fun! I love taking polls!

Shimmy Mom June 23, 2008 at 10:49 am

The first time I heard music on a blog, I loved it, but after two or three days on the site that had it I discovered that it was hard to consentrate on what I was reading and had to turn my speaker volume down to read instead of just singing along.
If it’s a blog that is mostly pictures or craft ideas, and the like then I still like the music. But for most blogs it now bugs me. I have a one track mind I guess.

The reason I made people have some sort of a blogger id or account is purely for my curiosity. When some one leaves a comment I like to go visit their site. I’ve made so many new friends in the world do to this blogging thing and it drives me crazy to see anonymous comments and have no idea where they came from.

I’ve loved your blog for months now though. Keep up the good work.

Tori Lennox June 23, 2008 at 11:35 am

Not using Blogger, I didn’t bother with the Blogger-specific question. *g*

Michelle Willingham June 23, 2008 at 3:35 pm

I see more music on the myspace spots. Pretty much everyone has music, so it doesn’t bug me there, but it can throw me off on a regular blog.

annbb/TSannie June 23, 2008 at 4:32 pm

Dandelions is very well done and I’ve enjoyed it for a while now as well.

That last question – I would have voted for…

A new post every day almost without fail, but a day is missed every now and again.

…if it had been an option.

Jen June 23, 2008 at 10:38 pm

🙂 Well I am a new to all this blog stuff and for the time I have been on here I enjoy it very much. It is a trial and error thing. Most of the time I don’t know what I am doing any ways. But I like doing it. Oh I didn’t know there were blogs to tell you how to do this stuff or help you out. :wallbash: man that is so neat. I’ll have to check out your other one.
Thanks I enjoyed the poll…

Flea June 25, 2008 at 12:21 am

Cool poll! I was in the majority on every answer. Because I never took typing and have to search for letters EVERY TIME I get to those typey inny things, I HATE THEM. Hate them.

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