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wine on the keyboard

Homemade Mustard Recipe

by Kay~Kacey on 12/17/2009

The best homemade mustard recipe ever. Compliments of my mother. Warning! This mustard is spicy hot!


You take 4 oz of dry mustard.

white vinegar

Add in one cup white vinegar. Mix with a beater in a saucepan. Let sit overnight.



Take 3 eggs and beat them well. Add to the mustard mixture.


Add in one cup of sugar. (no low calorie recipe here!)

cook over low heat

Cook over low heat. Really low. Stir it often. Cook until it starts to thicken.

cook mustard

With any luck you’ll find a sucker willing participant to do some stirring while you partake of your favorite beverage. (I like that word, partake!)

Anyway, cook until it thickens. If you cook it too quickly, the eggs might cook a bit (they’ll look like tiny pieces of scrambled eggs. Not to worry! Just pour the mustard through a strainer.) Once the mustard has thickened, pour into canning jars. I use small half pint mason jars.

homemade mustard

This mustard is a great hostess gift. Add a label and ribbon and you’re set to go. We really like this mustard with a slice of brie on a stone ground cracker. Yum.

4 oz. dry mustard
1 cup vinegar
(mix and let set overnight)

1 cup sugar
3 eggs-beaten well
Add to mixture and cook slowly over low heat until thickens. Maybe 20 minutes?


I double this homemade mustard recipe to make the 6 half pint jars. Enjoy!

Sue December 17, 2009 at 10:19 am

How long does this hold for? Did you process it?
Looks interesting..

Wendy December 17, 2009 at 11:31 am

I have the same questions as Sue. Also wondering if you’ve tried using it to then make Honey Mustard? I adore a spicy honey mustard… *mopping up my drool*

Mental P Mama December 17, 2009 at 11:38 am

Hmmmm. I’ve made my fair share of homemade mayonnaise before but never mustard. Do you need my address???? :dance:

Kacey December 17, 2009 at 3:01 pm

It doesn’t have any preservatives in it, so I keep it refrigerated. It never lasts long in my house…LOL. I have used it with sweet sauce for chinese. I like to have a puddle of hot mustard and a puddle of sweet sauce and dip in both for crab ragoon.

Wendy June 27, 2010 at 8:21 am

I keep coming back to this recipe and I’ve tried it once, trying it again today.

1st attempt: Made a double batch as directed (almost–see note) and then added 2 cups honey. Great smell and flavor, but very runny. More ‘sauce’ than mustard’.

2nd attempt: I have the mustard/vinegar mixture waiting on me (double batch again). I’m going to add 1 & 1/2 cups honey to this as I heat it and then add in the eggs.

Note: I heated the mustard/vinegar mixture and then tempered the eggs rather that just adding everything at once. It kept my impatient self from cooking the eggs and it worked really well.

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