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wine on the keyboard

Genetic Abnormalities

by Kay~Kacey on 4/21/2010

Yes, there a few genetic defects in our family line. Like the males don’t like cake.


They insist on Birthday Cookie Cake. (Yuck.) Now, while I don’t feel like it’s all my fault…but we have pinpointed that it’s  a trait that runs on MY side of the family. . . because here you see my nephew…and my sister has evidently passed on this genetic defect to HER boys.

But, wait! There’s more!!


They don’t like much icing on their cookie cakes!!! I mean, seriously! What is wrong with these males?? (yes, you are seeing my sister’s HANDS in these photos. Amazing I was even able to get those!) Here my sister is scraping off the icing for the birthday boy! (kind of reminds me of cutting off the crusts on their peanut butter sandwiches when they were in grade school. Sigh. I miss that….no, wait!!! I don’t miss that!! Nevermind!)


Yep, they like their cookie cake naked! 😯


For the record? They also all Hate. Chocolate. Cake!  I KNOW! My sister and I are so embarrassed about out parenting skills. Sigh. :crazy: Good thing they are all so cute!

Mental P Mama April 21, 2010 at 8:02 am

That’s just wrong. :crazy:

Di April 21, 2010 at 8:17 am

Hubby can’t get enough chocolate… deep, dark chocolate, 72% dark chocolate! I have to say that he does enjoy a cookie more than cake, unless of course it’s a deep, dark, chocolate cake with the darkest frosting on the planet. Actually I kind of dig the dark stuff too. What’sa madda wit da men in your life?

Tori Lennox April 21, 2010 at 1:29 pm

I’m just dumbfounded. Now, granted, I wouldn’t turn down a cookie cake if one was offered to me, but I’d really rather have real cake. Preferably with that horrible but oh so yummy lard frosting. :rofl:

Cheri April 21, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Let’s hear it for the lard!!!

Kate April 21, 2010 at 10:31 pm

Oh, so wrong.

Jeanne Klaver April 24, 2010 at 8:14 pm

Naked cookie cake?? I’ve never heard of such a thing!

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