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wine on the keyboard

While the Cat is Away

by Kay~Kacey on 5/3/2010

Or shall we say, while the female is away, the males will play?


I’m headed to Dallas for a photography workshop put on by Leah Profancik, a wonderful photographer who I greatly admire. I can’t wait to learn everything I can. I’m also meeting up with a bunch of photog buddies I’ve met on an online forum. I’m planning on having a fabulous time!

You guys keep SuperGuy company while I’m gone. Feel free to leave him comments on how he could best occupy his time while I’m gone! (okay, try and keep it clean!). I’ll be back later in the week and I’m sure I’ll have photos to share.

Di May 3, 2010 at 6:50 am

I’ll send Hubby over and they can each have a beer and slap one another on the back. Isn’t that what all men do when the lady of the house is away? Have fun on your trip and soak up all the photog info you can!


SUPERGUY May 3, 2010 at 8:54 am

She’s having a great time and the meeting is all that and more. That “job thing” is getting in my way of too much fun but projects are progressing. (and I an getting some good reading done along with eating whatever I want. It will take at least a week to get my cholesterol back down.)

Mental P Mama May 3, 2010 at 11:09 am

Have a wonderful time!!!

Kate May 3, 2010 at 5:50 pm

Wow. Her work is gorgeous, Kacey. I love the depth of field she uses and the clarity of her photos. Have a most excellent time at the session.
Superguy, you better be good.

JC May 3, 2010 at 6:44 pm

12 pack and any Clint Eastwood dvds make a night of it

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