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How Does Your Garden Grow

by Kay~Kacey on 7/22/2010

So, how is your garden doing this summer? SuperGuy’s tomatoes…


The cherry tomatoes are doing great…the regular tomatoes…not so much. Thanks goodness for the local Farmer’s Market. What did you put out in your garden this year? Having much luck with it?

Tracey of These Nine Acres July 22, 2010 at 10:24 am

Nothing. 😕 I am the only one who would eat it, so the effort is not worth it. I did, however, get to enjoy home grown tomatoes from my father.

Annmarie July 22, 2010 at 10:20 pm

I thought my garden was doing great – it’s about 50 x 25 ft with most of the basics – peas, potatoes, cukes, dill, carrots, kohlrabi, beans, beets & tomatoes. No weeds & everything coming up green. Then I started talking to other gardeners who are already eating beans, cukes & tomatoes. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa :loser:

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