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wine on the keyboard

Really. Tired. Of. Winter.

by Kay~Kacey on 2/7/2011

Just sayin’


Here’s what we drove into when we went to Columbia the end of last week. Those are ruts in the road behind the truck. They didn’t plow our street until 4 days after the storm…then it was one skinny pathway. SuperGuy gunned the truck and launched it out of the street and into this snow bank to get in the drive.

Digging out the truck

Then he climbed through the drifts to get into the garage to get the snow shovel and shoveled a pathway to my side of the truck, so I could get out. :heart:   I then, like the kind wife I am, took some pictures then went inside where it was warm. He spent a couple hours clearing the rest of the drive, and digging out the truck.

snow drifts on the back door

The snow has drifted way up in the backyard too, against the sliding doors. I guess some people might say it looks pretty out there…but I’m just all over the beauty of snow, and can only see the mounds and piles of dirty gray stuff all over town.

Where is spring? I’m just askin’. I want the pretty little crocus to bloom. The daffodils to splash their yellow across our backyard. I want to see green grass. Leaves. Pretty flowers on the red buds. I want to sit out in our backyard and enjoy the flowers, the birds, the SUN.

You guys must get tired of me every winter…what a whiner I am. :nono: But, honest, I’m the best spring person EVER.

Becky February 7, 2011 at 7:38 am

I’m with ya, Kasey! Bring on SPRING………..please. 😕

Evelyn in Oregon February 7, 2011 at 7:06 pm

Is there anyone who isn’t tired of winter this year? I wonder what it is? We had snow in mid-November until mid-January; then rain melted all the snow in the valleys. But it’s gray, and it’s cold….and I’m so ready for spring (warm spring, that is!), too!

Flea February 8, 2011 at 9:11 pm

I’ve looked forward to winter every year we’ve been in Tulsa. Now I’m done. DONE.

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