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wine on the keyboard


by Kay~Kacey on 3/3/2011

We had company at The Love Nest last weekend! So much fun to show off the new house. My oldest son stopped by for an overnight on a road trip to Kansas City.

early morning coffeeHere he is trying to wake up and main lining some coffee (boy after my own heart).

early morning chatSuperGuy had been up for hours…and, unfortunately is a chatty person in the morning. He soon had my son engrossed in solving the world’s problems and talking about cars, the Blues, and body parts and whatever else weird stuff that males discuss.

listening to the boysMy son’s girlfriend was with him. We love and adore her. Here she is, in awe of some nonsense the males were discussing. :rofl: (and speaking from a photographer’s standpoint…she has the most beautiful skin. I’d know. I don’t have to do anything to make her skin look so gorgeous. Sigh.)

They both were appropriately complimentary about The Love Nest  :mrgreen:, so we really enjoyed their visit. We had a nice big steak dinner, too many loaves of Macaroni Grill bread (I’ll have to share my recipe with you.) and a bit of wine. :wine: The Impish One came over and joined us for dinner too. Had a wonderful time. Love having my babies in the house!

Tracey of These Nine Acres March 3, 2011 at 7:34 am

That does sound like bliss! Now if I could just get 4 for grown and out, I too could enjoy it when they come to visit! :dance:


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