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wine on the keyboard

Mothers Day Fun

by Kay~Kacey on 5/15/2013

We had a small gathering for Mother’s Day this year. Those pesky college finals got in the way of quite a few traveling home for Mother’s Day. We still had a great time.

We had Mother’s Day hugs. (that almost counts as a photo of my sister…)

The lovely Stephanie offered to host the BBQ this year…little does she know she might now be the designated Mother’s Day BBQ giver… I’m very quick to say “not it” these days… Thanks, Steph!!

We gave our Mom the “another photo??” look.

We drank champagne…

We drank beer…

And we told tall tales…probably about his toy John Deere tractor… it is about all he talks about these days… 😉


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, we missed all you kids who couldn’t come to town…and Stephanie, we look forward to having it at your place again next year! 8)

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