wine on the keyboard


Another Antique Mall Find

by Kay~Kacey on 10/6/2010


I’ve been looking for old cameras for photography props. We were out antiquing and found this old Brownie Hawkeye camera. Cute, huh? Well, I find one for first for $23…and I was going to get it…then SuperGuy find this one for $10 !! He wins!! I put my find back and we bought his. Well, it’s not his camera, it’s mine…but you know what I mean. Don’t you?

Now, why it’s sitting out in among the tomatoes, I’m not sure. But the light was really pretty there.


SuperGuy, in his manly male way…immediately sat down and tried to figure out how it works… :mad2:

Men. Gotta love ’em.

Antique Mall Treasures

by Kay~Kacey on 3/17/2010


Why, yes, it did involve milk glass, why do you ask?? :mrgreen:

Isn’t it beautiful?? It’s kind of a cross between a pie plate and a platter or a serving plate.


It’s my favorite kind of milk glass, Fenton silver crest with the cute little wavy clear glass edges. :love:


I was on the lookout for cute glass containers for flowers. Isn’t this one nice? I love the wavy, twisted glass at the throat of it. (yes, that water needs to be changed…)


And this darling little pitcher thingie. I love the little spout on it and the cute circle handle.


SuperGuy is getting pretty good at finding unusual glass containers for me to use for my flowers. He found this one!

I told you the Pink Elephant had cool stuff! Well, I think I should go bake some cookies to put on that milk glass plate, what do you think??

Spring Road Trip

by Kay~Kacey on 4/18/2009

So the other day we took a little Spring Road Trip. Okay, okay, I confess–we went antiquing about an hour and a half outside of town.


Here is the little “back road” that we took. Seriously, I was amazed. This road used to be this little twisty two lane road that we’d take to my grandmother’s house. Not so little or twisty anymore!

spring colors

It was nice to get out and see all the spring colors.

Herculaneum Missouri

Of course as we wandering down the “back roads” my mind starts to wander. Or wonder. Like who thought of this town name? Herculaneum? My next thought was “Wow, I bet that town name scares the crud out of kids in grade school when they have to learn to spell and write their address.” 😯

Then I wondered about the sanity of the people who bought these houses.

house on highway

Seriously, a double bonus. Right on the highway AND the train tracks… :shakehead: :crazy: Seriously, those look like fairly new houses…so that means the highway and train tracks were there first… Those look like pretty darn big house too. Whatever. To each their own I guess.

antique mall sign

The truly amazing part of this road trip? I was so tired at the end of the day, that I let SuperGuy drive right past this last antique mall and head on home…