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wine on the keyboard


Peaches and other Summer Stuff

by Kay~Kacey on 9/4/2012

So, for the first time ever I made Frozen Peach Yogurt. Actually Frozen Cinnamon Peach Yogurt. A person can never have enough cinnamon. Just saying. (recipe over on my Kay Pickens Photography blog…I’m kind of getting into the the food photography thing.)

fresh peaches

There is something so summery about peaches. I love them. I’m very sad that their season is coming to an end. Anyone else feel that way? I’m so over the heat and draught (though we got hammered for a few days of badly needed rain–compliments of Isaac). But I’m just sorry that the fresh fruit is going out of season. The only flowers I have still going are zinnias and badly draught abused roses.

Kids are back in school. School busses on the road. Halloween decorations in the stores. Thanksgiving recipes starting to show up on magazine covers. Sigh.

I guess summer is really going to end, isn’t it?

Well, the good thing is, I do have a bunch of sweaters that I love that I’ll soon be able to wear.

So, what’s your favorite season?

Basil Martini

by Kay~Kacey on 8/21/2012

Can a person ever have too much basil? I think not!

basil plant

So our basil has survived the heat and draught this summer. Survived very well, I might add. Even though we cut some of it everyday and use it in some way.

Our newest invention?

I give you a vodka basil martini with a twist a lemon!

basil martini

You are welcome.


Oh yes, and I have more basil concoctions to come…stay tuned.

Faux Macaroni Grill Rosemary Bread

by Kay~Kacey on 3/28/2011

I love and adore Macaroni Grill’s bread that they serve, so I went on a hunt for a copy cat recipe for the bread. Here is my  own version of Macaroni Grill -ish Rosemary Bread after experimenting for awhile.macaroni grill rosemary bread

Ingredients: (makes 2 loaves)

1 tablespoon yeast

1 tablespoon sugar

1 cup warm water

2 1/2 to 3 cups flour…I start with 2 1/2 and add a bit more if needed (my fav is white flour, but I’ve made it with wheat flour)

1 tablespoon butter, melted

1 teaspoon salt (I use kosher or sea salt)

2 teaspoons dried Rosemary (I use this because I always have it on hand), or 2 tablespoons fresh Rosemary


1. Put water, yeast,  and sugar in large bowl and let the mixture to become bubbly.

bubbly yeast

2. Add in butter, salt and 2 1/2 cups of flour.
ingredients for rosemary bread

3. Add in a teaspoon of the dried Rosemary. (or a tablespoon of fresh) This is half the total amount of Rosemary for the recipe. I kind of smash the dried rosemary up a bit.

Dried Rosemary

4. I use my kitchen aide mixer and knead with the bread hook for about 5 minutes until smooth and elastic. I’ve also kneaded it for about 10 minutes by hand. Your choice. Add in a bit more flour if needed.

kitchen aid mixer

5. Cover bowl. You can oil bowl first if you want, but I just pull the bowl off the mixer stand, cover,  set in warm area, and let the dough rise until it’s doubled in bulk…about 1 hour, give or take.

6. Punch down the dough (love that step for some reason.) Divide the dough into two halves. Form into two round loaves. Place on greased/sprayed cookie sheet, use a baking stone, or, what I do is use a silicon baking mat on my cookie sheet.

two loaves of macaroni grill type rosemary bread

7. Use a teaspoon of dried rosemary (or tablespoon of fresh rosemary) and kind of pat the rosemary into the two loaves. Or just sprinkle it on. Whatever works for you.

8. Cover the loaves again, place in warm area, and let them rise again until doubled. About an hour, sometimes less for this stage.

9. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

10. Bake the bread for about 15 to 20 minutes until brown. (it doesn’t brown a lot) (I often bake this ahead of time, and then warm it up when we’re ready to eat by heating for another 5 minutes or so.)

11. Pull from oven and brush with melted butter and sprinkle with sea salt or kosher salt.

brush with butter and sprinkle on sea salt

Dipping Sauce:

We use olive oil, Spice Island Bread Dipping spices, and Parmesan cheese. (you could use your own choice of spices like garlic, oregano, italian spices, etc.)

Rosemary bread dipping sauce

Pour the oil on a plate and add the spices and cheese.

dipping sauce for bread

FAIR WARNING: This bread should come with a warning…you just can’t. stop. eating. it. once you get started. So very yummy.

Very easy to make and incredibly tasty. Enjoy your faux Macaroni Grill -ish- Rosemary bread.