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wine on the keyboard

Old Ramblings

Internet Woes

by Kay~Kacey on 7/4/2007

I’m really, REALLY tired of Charter “High Speed” :toofunny: Internet. I’ve had problems here with it cutting out or just going slower than dial up. For months. I get permanently put on hold when I call “customer service” :crazy2:

They do this “automatic” testing of the line, etc when you call. But I haven’t had the good luck to actually talk to a real live person. Someone suggested calling after midnight…yeah, that works for this 5:30 am riser 🙄

I was thinking of switching to DSL…AT&T here, but after the problems I had with AT&T trying to hook my parents…well, they don’t know “customer service” either.

Do all internet companies just take you money and not deliver?? ::rant off::

Anyway, Happy 4th of July! :dance:

250 for 25

by Kay~Kacey on 6/14/2007

My critique group is doing a challenge. At least 250 words a day for 25 continuous days. If you miss a day, you start over. You know how hard it is sometimes to make yourself just open the damn file? You think of chores to do, laundry calling your name, bills to pay. Hell, I’ve been known to scrub the kitchen floor when avoiding writing… :hide:

Anyway, the whole idea of this is to motivate ourselves into opening the file every single day. For 25 days. And most days, we write more…even much more…than our 250 words. At the very least we have our one page. 250 words. We nag each other to GET ‘EM DONE. My critique buddies cheer me on. :woot: I cheer them on. :dance: And sometimes, all a writer needs is a little encouragement.

Now on to the hard stuff

by Kay~Kacey on 5/23/2007

The Me Me Me weekend was a great success. Didn’t do half the things I planned to do. Didn’t care. In a weird twist, I totally cleaned my bedroom and bathroom. Deep cleaned. Not what I was expecting to do, but it’s so nice to have that all done! Various kids were in and out this weekend, so it was nice to chat with them. Just a great time.

This week I finally figured out what was wrong with my proposal. I think 🙄 So I hope to get that mailed out next week, after one more pass through the synopsis. And a bit of research on trees in Mississippi :anyone: