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wine on the keyboard

bridal shower

While the Boys are Away

by Kay~Kacey on 7/31/2012

The girls will play. While the boys were bachelor partying in Vegas (they survived…barely…), Lauren’s aunt threw a lovely bridal shower at Seven Gables Inn. It was a charming place for a shower with a cute courtyard where we gathered for yummy drinks before the shower.

Lauren looked darling, as always. We’re so glad to have another female in the family!!

Her aunt left no detail to chance. The flowers on the tables were from the florist who is doing their wedding flowers. They were so pretty!
flowers on table

We had little sachets with our names for place cards at the tables. So cute!
place tag favors

My sister, of course, would not let me get a photo of her…but we expect that now, don’t we??
my sister

Caught my mom when she wasn’t looking.

The food was so yummy and set up so cute. They used glass blocks and sheets of glass on the serving tables. Very cute. Must steal that idea for my next party…
cute cupcakes

More photos on Facebook.

We’re getting excited about the wedding now!! October 6th! Not long now!!