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wine on the keyboard


It’s a Big Bold World Out There

by Kay~Kacey on 6/21/2008

Hi, this is Charlie. I’m in my new home. The backyard has a hill! I’m not so sure about it.

puppy in backyard

Hills are scary when you’re just a puppy. Everything is so new here. There are lots of big dogs around.

puppy finds safety

Luckily I found a big human I recognized. Hills are scary I tell you.

puppy dinner table

I have my own private dining table. Complete with chew toy so I don’t chew on human shoes… Much.

make do gate

The humans thought that these big baskets scooted together would block me from my favorite game… I call it run up the stairs while humans chase me saying “Get back here, Charlie.” I wonder what that means? I guess it means they are having fun. The baskets didn’t work, I could squeeze through them no matter what the humans tried. They bought this thing they call a gate. I don’t like it. They ruined my favorite game of humans chase the puppy.

it's exhausting being a puppy

Finally I decided to have a nap. Or my humans decided to have a nap. I’m not sure which. But it’s exhausting being a puppy!!

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

by Kay~Kacey on 6/16/2008

Meet Charlie.
Charlie's First Day

Isn’t he the cutest puppy ever? No, go ahead and agree, you know you want to. The Photography One got a puppy this week. A welsh terrier. Charlie.

Charlie the girl dog, by the way. Finally! Another female!

A bundle of endless energy…which we’re thinking will be a good match for The Photography One….

let sleeping does lie

Though, finally, at the end of his first day, he collapsed in a heap of tired puppyness. Puppyness is SO a word. I don’t know why this computer insists it’s not!