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wine on the keyboard


There are Problems with Country Life

by Kay~Kacey on 6/6/2013

There are downsides to country life…like…I went to take these gorgeous photos of flowers  in our meadow. Loved the single daisy. If wild flowers are called daisies?

single daisy

Then I got this bunch of white flowers growing near our rock pile. Not sure what they are?

white meadow flowers

We also have a few of these brilliantly colored orange poppies.oranage poppies

More daisies in the meadow grass…love the pretty meadow grass…

daisies in meadow


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, yet more daisies in the grass.

daisies in the meadow grass

Okay, only one more photo of the daisies in the meadow. I promise…

flowers in the meadow

Well, here is one of the very pretty meadow grass. I love to watch it sway in the wind. But what about that downside to country life?

meadow grass

Ticks. I am not amused. Two so far for me…one which survived a ride in the clothes washer and was still on my tank top. Not amused. I think SuperGuy has had about 5. Sigh. So far, seriously, that’s the only downside of country living as far as I can tell…

Stadium Grill – Columbia MO

by Kay~Kacey on 3/14/2013

Met my favorite son at Stadium Grill in Columbia for lunch the other day.

Stadium Grill Columbia Mo Bar and GrillLove to eat there. I’m rather addicted to the Tiger Tails (chicken tenders) in thai sauce. Yum. (We bring the extras home to make chicken

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, bacon, ranch pizza-I need to put that recipe up here on the blog.) Anyway…Stadium Grill has  COLD beer. Great sandwiches. Salads. Or try their Hurdle Burger. Yum. Trust me.

My favorite son happens to be my favorite waiter there…here he is giving me the “another photo , really, Mom??” look.

best waiter ever at Stadium Grill

Timmy’s roommate joined us too. At least he didn’t give me the “really, Mom?” look!
Timmy's Roommate

Part of the reason for lunch was proof of life for my sister. My nephew is a pledge at a frat at Mizzou. He. Is. Tired.
frat pledge

But he rallied when the food came. Nothing like a free meal to perk up a male!


Anyway, I had a fabulous time. You should try out Stadium Grill next time you’re in Columbia. At the south west corner of Stadium and College Ave.

Hi-remember me?

by Kay~Kacey on 5/16/2012

I have missed you my blogging friends. Took a bit of time to figure out what I want to be when I grow up… :anyone:  I feel a bit of a split personality between this blog, Wine on the Keyboard, and my blog at Known to my blogging friends and writing friends as Kacey…and my photography friends and clients and real life as Kay.

coffee time at the computerI did a lot of thinking, a lot of journaling and a lot of just staring off into space…

One thing I did realize though…I miss my blogging. I miss sharing my thoughts. My photos of silly things that catch my eye. Photos of family times. Sharing random bizarre male behaviors of the many males in my life. So, I’m going to pick up the blogging again and see how it goes.

camera and flowers in vase

I still haven’t figured out what to put on which blog. I’d combine them…but I try to put more of my professional photos over on my blog and the fun, silly stuff here. So if I can get it all sorted out, I’ll be up and running here again.

So what’s new in our lives? Well, we got yet another puppy. Meet Murphy. I know, seriously adorable, right?

new cavalier puppy

We’ve not only been acquiring things…like Murphy 😉  We’ve been getting rid of things. Donating. Giving away. Pitching what isn’t worth giving. We have a long way to go with this…but there is something so freeing about walking in the basement and seeing walls and space…instead of a ton-of-crap ™.  We actually have space on the shelves in our basement storage too. Now, if I could just get up the nerve to gut my office and sort through that mess. And all the closets… This year. I’d really like to do that this year. How in the world did we accumulate so much STUFF. Stuff we don’t need. Don’t want.

Oh, and can I say that it is so nice to have my books on my Kindle instead of piling up in towers and stacks, in baskets, on shelves,  in every corner of the house. Best. Thing. Ever.

Oh, and because we don’t have enough going on in our lives to keep us busy…we spent the winter looking for land in Columbia. We finally found the perfect 5 acre lot and we’re building a house. I’ll be sharing photos of the building process so our friends and family can follow along. SuperGuy and I are having SO MUCH FUN with building this house! My next post will have some photos of the start of the building process. I’m sure I’ll be asking you to weigh in on the many decisions we still have to make about things on the house!

looking for land

I’ve joined a food photography group, The Inspired Plate, and I’ve been learning a lot about food photography and really enjoying it. See, I told you I haven’t quite decided what I want to be when I grow up…this isn’t a problem for someone in their 50’s is it?? 😉  (I’ve missed my smilies too!!! ) :hysterical:

So, if any of you are around anymore, feel free to leave a comment and drop by anytime. Maybe I will figure out this whole growing up thing…maybe not…