wine on the keyboard

empty nest

Random Thoughts on Independence

by Kay~Kacey on 8/20/2008

My son’s independence, and my independence.

I’m writing this on Tuesday afternoon. Here is the pile of things that The Impish One has ready to go to college. You know. Leaving Wednesday morning.

packing for college

Yes, I know. Disengage.

I’m fully aware he will actually be packed up some time on Wednesday to be driven to college. I’m trying to bite my tongue and let him do it on his schedule. (if males really ever do have a schedule for anything…) Do males ever do anything in advance? Well, the ones in my house don’t.

Ah, well. Maybe this is a bit of a start of my independence too… let him figure out the whole packing for college thing. Think he’ll remember to pack towels??

Any guesses on what he will forget to bring with him?? Check my Twitter on Wednesday and I’ll keep you updated on the big move to college…

EDITED TO ADD: If you’re not on Twitter but want to follow my adventure today, I added my twitter updates to my sidebar see?? —>

Coping Just Fine, Thanks

by Kay~Kacey on 8/19/2008

So I’m dealing with my youngest heading to college this week…

a bit of salt ruffles

In a very mature

animal crackers

and totally healthy manner.

(Who knew they still made these? Just was overwhelmed with the urge to buy them again today.)

beverage choice

Coping just fine, 😉 thanks for asking.

(Why, yes, that is SuperGuy’s extra large red wine glass. Why do you ask? I thought it appropriate to borrow it this week. It works great for Pinot Grigio, who knew??)

I Live in a Black and White World

by Kay~Kacey on 5/5/2008

I guess it’s going to be one of those weeks. Way too much thinking time on my hands this past weekend. SuperGuy was out of town on a guys only float trip. As a total aside, he’s been going on this annual float trip for like 30 years. Same group of guys. Amazing, huh? I think that’s cool when a group can stay together that long. They are spread out all over now, but come for the annual float trip.

Back to black and white. Captured moments in time.

my three sons

This picture just makes my heart swell. I love these boys so much. They are my whole life, and yet, they aren’t. I’m not one of those people whose life begins and ends with my boys, but they hold my heart. I do have my life too. Somewhere I found my life again between the craziness of toddlerhood, adolescents, and teenaged drivers.

The Photographer One

The Photographer One. My oldest. He’s artistic, sensitive and well, he loves photography as much as me. I really enjoy sharing that with him. I knew just nothing about babies when I had him. I couldn’t believe they were letting me take him home from the hospital after he was born. What were they thinking??

The Geeky One

The Geeky One. Soon to graduate college and go off into the real world. A techie, a hard worker and a funny kid, in a wry subtle humor sort of way. Mostly I think I’m not old enough to have a kid out in the real world!

The Impish One

The Impish One. Always doing something mischievous. Always has, probably always will. Finishing high school. Going off to college. My life will change. I won’t have to try and stay awake to make sure I hear him come in. I no longer have to keep poster board in the house. There will be no more science projects. No checking to make sure he got up with his alarm. (which, weird thing that it is, he always hears his alarm and gets up. But I can’t seem to break myself of the check on him habit.)


Off to college. A life of sharing a room, dorm food, football games and finals. Halfway across the state. Far enough for him to grow and spread his wings without his mommy breathing down his neck. Close enough to come home whenever he wants.

So I start on a new phase of life. Excited about it. More time to explore things I’m interested in. Time to learn. More couple time with SuperGuy. But still, it’s a bittersweet time for me. These are my babies. They were just toddlers like yesterday. I’m not one of those smother your kids and get in their business at college. I strongly feel it’s their time to grow. But still, in quiet moments I know I’ll listen to the stillness of the house and remember when it was filled with laughter, arguing, video games, loud music and lots of love.