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wine on the keyboard


A Walk in the Woods-With Annie

by Kay~Kacey on 4/28/2011

So Annie of Tombsone Chronicler came to Missouri to visit her parents and I got to meet up with her and play on her parents’ gorgeous property in Columbia. Her parents are ever so charming and I had the. best. time.

After chatting for a bit, Annie and I headed out for the dump. Yes, the dump. A treasure trove of interesting discarded bottles, jars, and other stuff.

at the dump

Here is Annie with some of our stash that we uncovered. (tomorrow’s post will be about this car…)

old road in the woods-columbia missouriAfter satiating our desire for old glass bottles and jars, we headed out down this old overgrown road on her parents’ property.

bluffs of grindstone creek

Then we walked along the bluffs of Grindstone Creek. These photos so don’t do them justice. It was just gorgeous!

Grindstone CreekHere we are at at branch of Grindstone Creek…the same creek that runs behind The Love Nest!

dog in creek

Cody came along on our hike to play in the creek keep us company.

annie's treeFinally, Annie led me along the creek and I got to see her tree. Yes, the very same on that is on her blog header! I wish I could have gotten closer or had my telephoto lens with me, but the creek was up and there was really no safe way to get over there (especially carrying my camera!)

Annie's homeAfter hiking around for a few hours, all good things must come to an end. We ended up on the other side of Annie’s parents property. Seriously, isn’t this land just gorgeous?? I had a fabulous time, and can’t wait for Annie to come back this summer to se can go exploring again!

New Theme

by Kay~Kacey on 7/31/2009

Surprise! It’s me!! I installed a new theme on my blog. It’s the Thesis theme. I’ve been messing with it for awhile. WHY did I decided I need the new theme RIGHT. NOW. ??

Because I wanted a bigger content column so I could upload larger pics from the wedding that I went to last weekend. Isn’t that why everyone changes their WordPress theme?? :crazy:

Go with me here… just shake your head and agree with me…

I’ve been busy editing photos from the wedding. I wasn’t the professional photographer, so I tried to be as unobtrusive as I can be. (That is HARD for me!!)

Anyway, I’ll give you a sneak peak.  I’m going to post more photos this weekend. Stay tuned for fun flower girl photos!

Here is the lovely bride…


I know, stunning, right? As an aside (there’s always one, right?) She had this adorable one side hairdo thing. (Can you tell I have boys??). She was supposed to have a gardenia in it after she took off her veil. The florist took the gardenia away after she delivered the flowers!! What’s up with that?? It would have looked lovely, but as you can see, she doesn’t really NEED a flower to look lovely.


This is her adorable sister. I love these girls. Seriously, I’ve always wanted them for MY daughters. They are fun and can hold their own with my boys when we vacation together. Which is saying a lot! I love them. Bunches.


This is my dear friend. She is the kindest, funnest, warm hearted friend you could ever hope for. We were trying to figure out how long we’ve known each other. We’re thinking it’s edging up on 30 years. Do you have a friend like that? One you don’t see because of distance, but when you talk to them you pick up right where you left off the last time? Her only drawback is that she wouldn’t let me have her daughters as my own…  :rofl:

Does she not look like you’d love to have her as a friend. Sorry, you can’t. She’s mine. The wedding was outside at a lovely resort in Denver, then the reception was on an outdoor patio with a beautiful white canopy over it. Just lovely.

Well, yes, there are males in the family too…whatever. :crazy:

You know I have my own contingent of males, and don’t need any more of them!

Anyway, having a larger layout for pics of the wedding seemed like a good enough reason for me to get moving and update my website.

Let me know if anything doesn’t work for you here on Wine on the Keyboard. I still have a lot of fine tuning to do. I’ll work on it some more this weekend.  If you haven’t already, be sure to submit your Red, White, or Blue photo for the photo of the month contest!