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wine on the keyboard

green peppers

Adventures in Gardening

by Kay~Kacey on 7/16/2012

I just want to show you this green pepper while I can…

green pepper in gardenIsn’t she pretty? Well, green peppers don’t agree with SuperGuy, but I thought I’d grow some for me…’cause I love them. So, of course I took this pretty picture of the pepper. Then waited a week to pick it. Yup. A bit rotted on the bottom a week later, doggoneit! ..but I’m still going to stuff it and eat gosh darn it!!! I’m not going to let it go the way of my green beans!!!  The deer stripped the green beans clean the next day.

Yes, I’m detecting a trend. Photograph something in the garden and it’s gone or ruined in a few days… I could leave my camera inside when I go check the garden…maybe….