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wine on the keyboard

raod trip

You’ve Heard of Miss America?

by Kay~Kacey on 3/4/2010

You’ve heard of Miss America and Miss USA, right? Maybe even Miss Insert-your-state-here. Well, Mississippi goes to GREAT length with their Miss Titles. For instance…


Miss Highway Patrol? What did she have to do to get that title???


Miss Craft Center? Rather a benign title, but whatever. Hm, is that some knitting, sewing, quilting title or what?

Miss-5753Here they were just handing out titles willy nilly. Miss State University. Miss Valley State University. Miss University for Women.

I’m just sayin’, if you want to win a title, I think you should move to Mississippi, because as you can see, they freely give out titles in this state.

The title that started off this whole discussion on our road trip? Miss Juvenile Detention Center. Wow, her mother must be so proud… :rofl:

Why, yes, we do get slap happy on our long road trips, why do you ask?? :crazy: