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wine on the keyboard


Sunrise Sunset

by Kay~Kacey on 1/23/2013

Ah, I seem to be addicted to taking sunrise and sunset photos these days…mind if I share?

We’ve been having marvelous colors in our cold early sunrises.

sunrise out the window

That one was taken out my office window. So pretty.

The sunsets haven’t been shabby either…

sunset with contrails

like this pretty one with the jet contrails in the sky.

I’d be busy taking bird photos…but SuperGuy hasn’t put up the bird feeders in Columbia yet…and the ones in St. Louis have been sadly empty for weeks…

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That’s What I’m Talkin’ About

by Kay~Kacey on 9/16/2010

ponte-vedra-sunrise-8528 copy

That’s a sunrise. I’m just sayin’

Virginia Beach Review

by Kay~Kacey on 9/22/2009

I glossed over the fact that we stopped at Virginia Beach on the way to The Outer Banks. Neither SuperGuy or I had ever gone to an east coast boardwalk beach, so we thought that would make a good stop over on our vacation. We got caught in Friday night traffic…sat for two hours in a traffic jam by the tunnel, so it was almost dark when we got there. Not fun. We stayed right on the ocean at the Courtyard by Marriot south. It was nice and we had a wonderful view.

We ate dinner at Catch 31, the restaurant in the Hilton. It was noisy. Very. It looked like it was THE place to be. We waited a bit for a table and luckily got a table in front, outside. We were seated at a wicker love seat, nestled in between some palm trees and it was cute, nice, and not as noisy out there. The food was just okay, our waiter was horrible…like ignored us, mostly. Sometimes I think waiters size you up and decide if they think they’re going to get a big tip and give you great service if they think you are a tipper. Too bad for him…he guessed wrong…all of our boys have been waiters. We tip well. We know it’s a hard job. We tip well when our waiter is decent that is. But, we still had a great time watching the people go by on the boardwalk. Fun.

I thought there would be more little cafes along the boardwalk, but it was mainly a long, long run of high rise hotels. Not really what I expected.


We woke up early and this was the view out of our hotel. I swear, the east coast does the. best. sunrises. ever.


There were a lot of early morning joggers and beach walkers. We went in search of coffee.


We are much nicer people when we’ve had our coffee :love:

We went to a cute place that was recommended to us by SuperGuy’s new best friend…the bar waitress at Catch 31. 🙄


It’s in this cute little house on a side street. Best. Breakfast. Ever. Friendly waitress. Inexpensive menu. Had a great time. We were there really early, but evidently there is quite a line to get in a bit later in the morning.


Isn’t this wall cool? I’d love to have it for portrait shots! Can’t you just see a cool high school senior lounged against this wall? Wonder if we could move it to St. Louis…??


We walked around the town, seeing the sights in the daylight. SuperGuy kept urging me to buy a new swimsuit. I kept saying I brought two with me. I finally asked him WHY I needed a new swimsuit… He wanted me to get one of THESE swimsuits…and wanted to know if the 50% that was missing was the swimsuit top or bottom… :mad2:


We walked around on the boardwalk….which, to my surprise was not a BOARDwalk…it was a CEMENTwalk. Who knew? We took pictures (of course) and watched the dolphins swimming along the shore. Moms with baby stollers. Bike riders. Roller bladers. People 30 years older than us and in excellent shape. A lot of “beautiful” people. Quite a few older men with young blondes on their arm. They had a separate pathway for the bikers. Very nice setup.

I doubt if we’d go back again, but we did have a great time and were glad that we stopped there for the night to see what it was like. I could see if I lived near there, that it might be a great place to get away for a night or two.