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wine on the keyboard

the nest

Random Photos of my Days

by Kay~Kacey on 4/29/2013

Hi! I’m hoping that it quits raining and spring comes…we’ve had like, um, one day of spring-ish type weather so far. Of course I ran outside to grab some photos.

Here is the view out my kitchen window. Gorgeous. Almost makes me want to cook 😉
view out my kitchen window

Here is one of the half dozen river birches that we’ve planted around the property. They grow quickly. We need that in spots!!
river birch

If you look closely in the next one

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, you can see a hawk flying in the sky, framed by the elm branch. We have lots of hawks. I think I need a longer telephoto lens…
daffodils and hawk

Here are some of the pretty blooms on our bradford pear trees. So pretty against the bright blue sky.
bradfor pear tree in bloom

Well, a gratuitous photo of Murphy. Just because he looked so darn cute.
blenheim cavalier puppy

I’m hoping that just real. soon. now. the sun will come out again and we’ll have warm spring weather!