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wine on the keyboard

Trying to get up the nerve

by Kay~Kacey on 5/24/2006

so have any of you converted your WordPress blogs to 2.0.2 ? I’m not sure I’m brave enough yet… 😯

That’s the problem with making a ton of changes to WordPress…upgrading it is then a pain. I actually made a file with changes that I’ve made to WordPress the last time I upgraded…so I have that. But a lot is different in this release, and I’m just not sure I have the courage to attempt it yet.

So, any tips for those of you who upgraded? Especially those of you who have hacked up your version of WordPress?

As an aside, I was getting a lot of trackback spam, even with a bunch of plugins to prevent it. So I turned off trackbacks on the sight…hope that helps.

Kelly P. May 24, 2006 at 10:51 pm

I haven’t even converted to WP at all. 😆 But I still say one of these days…

Tori Lennox May 25, 2006 at 2:03 pm

I was either brave or crazy, depending on your viewpoint. :rofl: Even though I bitched a lot about it, once I found GOOD iinstructions, it was fairly painless.

Michelle May 25, 2006 at 6:37 pm

Pay Emily $20. That’s my favorite tip. Worth every penny. :angel:

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