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wine on the keyboard


About the Blog

First there were Mommy Bloggers, now Boomer Bloggers. Life after raising the kids. We’ve hit that time in our lives when we have survived the diapers, carpools, and endless sports practices and games. There is finally time for us.

Wine on the Keyboard is about us. The Baby Boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964. (Though, of course, this blog welcomes all ages. We’re a friendly bunch.)  We talk about this new stage of life. When we have time to actually do things for ourselves. Explore new options. Heck, even decide what we want to be when we grow up.

We talk about hobbies (now that we have time for them). We talk about grown up kids. (If they ever really do grow up). Empty nests. Grown kids moving back home. Paying for college. Downsizing. Travel. Retirement. Whether to cover that gray hair or not…

We also talk about photography. A. Lot. We have a photo of the month contest every month where the readers of this blog enter their photos. We have a theme for the entries each month. Be sure to join us, either by entering a photo of your own, or voting on the entries each month.

Come join in the community here.

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About Kacey

I grew up in the midwest…lived here my whole life. Yes, I’ve dreamed of living in exotic places, and darn it all, I WILL retire to somewhere warm and sunny. Some day. Here I am. Young. Cute. With crooked bangs. I always had crooked bangs. Blame my mom.

I’ve always had a creative side. Writing, photography, knitting, crafts.  Not that I really ever considered that people grew up and actually pursued creative careers for a living. Who knew? As evidenced by my degree in business from Mizzou. Go Tigers.

I worked in finance and accounting, then stayed home for the years my three boys were young. By the third boy, with what little sanity I had left, I started writing novels… which eventually led me to writing this blog… which led me to taking back up photography. So is the journey life takes us on sometimes.

Here are my cute little boys. Years ago. No, the oldest is NOT trying to strangle the youngest. I’m sure. I always had everything under control…Anyway, they are all older now…college and out in the real world. If I can ever get them all together, I’ll add a picture of them all grown up. Well,I don’t know. Do males ever truly grow up???

About My Photography

I’m a Canon Girl. I shoot with a Canon 5d mark ii full frame camera. I love my camera. I’d marry it if it ever becomes legal to do so. My favorite lens in my 24-70 2.8 L lens. No, it’s my 70-200mm 2.8 L lens. Or it’s the next lens I buy…

I learned photography years ago on an old Canon 35mm film camera. One of my brother’s friends taught me. Somewhere along the path of motherhood, most of my hobbies got pushed aside. About 5 years ago I took up photography again, this time with a digital SLR Canon Rebel xti. After fighting over sharing it with my husband, we decided in the interest of marital harmony that I would move onto the Canon 40D. This year I moved onto the 5dmii. Presently my oldest son and my husband are arguing over who gets the 40D. :crazy:

The Happy Ending

I’m now married to the man of my dreams, the biggest supporter of me, my photography, my writing, and anything I want to try. He has…two boys of his own…so yes, I’m regularly surrounded by way too much testosterone. Here we are in one of my favorite places: New Orleans.

I firmly believe in happily ever after…I’m living my own right now.

Kacey and dh in New Orleans

All photos and words on this site are ©Kacey Pickens. Do not use them without permission. If you would like to use a photo, please contact me using the contact button at the top of the website.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Pat Willis November 25, 2009 at 6:59 am

Hi Kacey, I’ve been looking for a web site of interest and yours looks like one. My husband used to do photography but was far to critical of himself, so he stopped. The pictures he took were never good enough for him.
I am a Midwesterner in Illinois born and raised and still here.

Linda Gill January 11, 2010 at 10:50 pm

Found my way here from Chronicles of a Country Girl, and love your beautiful photos of the birds in the snow; added you to my Favorites and look forward to more beautiful photos. Since becoming a blog explorer I have some new ideas for photographing spring in LA and may start a blog of my own!

I find it ironic that you want to retire to a warm and sunny place (it was 22 degrees this morning in south Louisiana), and I want to retire to someplace with four seasons like Missouri!

Gayle August 17, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Hi–I am sending this to you as you might consider talking with Brian (owner/chef) about showcasing some of your photography sometime.

Hello Cyberdiners,

It’s a Cyberdiner Customer Appreciation Week! Most kids are back in school or back in college. Time to relax a little. We have FREE STUFF for you. We will do one day during the week and one on the weekend. How about Thursday and Saturday night?

I’m going to get in some great imported cheeses and give them to you FOR FREE on those two days. So, for you, our Loyal Cyberdiners, a Free Imported Cheese Platter for your entire group on Thursday or Saturday night. This is not a special for everyone — so only those of you with this e-mail in hand will know it is Cyberdiner Customer Appreciation Week.

We also are thrilled to announce two new artists in our gallery. You are cordially invited to a reception for Ron Ferkol and Ann Wells on Saturday, August 21 from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Their work will be hanging in our downstairs gallery until Saturday, September 18th. Listen to what these fine artists have to say about their work. Ron Ferkol, a signature member of the Oil and Acrylic Painters Society says, “A few things to look for in a good still life are pure and simple design that is brief but realistic, and a good sense of space.” Ann Wells says, “My approach to painting is to try and capture the honesty of a subject, to convey the absolute harmony and rhythm of that which stirs the senses.” Both of these artists have a large sampling of their work on the walls of The Bounty. You are sure to find somethng that “speaks to you” in their work. We hope you will decide to stay for dinner after the reception. For reservations, please call 636-390-2150.

The weather finally looks a little better, so you may enjoy your free food in the dining room, the wine bar, or on the patio,

Thank you for allowing us to send you this e-mail every week. Our website should be up and running very soon and will be offering you even more cool stuff!

C ‘Ya Soon,

Chef Brian Manhardt

American Bounty Restaurant
430 W. Front Street
Washington, MO 63090
Open for Dinner Wednesday through Sunday
Open for Lunch on Sunday

P.S. If you wish to be removed from our list of Cyberdiners, just let us know.

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