wine on the keyboard


Optimistic October

by Kay~Kacey on 10/1/2006

Yes, it’s that time again. Name your month! Optimistic October!!! Time to set goals. Do affirmations. Think postive. It’s a no negative zone this month.

One of my critique buds wanted to name it Orgasmic October…what was she thinking???:shock: :rofl:

I’ve been on a roll with my writing. Slow but steady. I even conquered my Fear of First Page a couple of weeks ago, and just sat down and started in on a new story. Very unusual for me. I usally angst about it for weeks first. :beer:

Selling September

by Kay~Kacey on 9/17/2006

As regular readers of my blog know, my critique group names each month. This month was Selling September. And guess what? My critique buddy Michelle Willingham SOLD to M&B Historical!!! Pop over to her blog and read about it!!

I’ve decided that this naming months thing is VERY powerful!!

Congrats Michelle! :beer:

Almost Embarrassing

by Kay~Kacey on 8/20/2006

another glass of wineIf it weren’t bad enough that I bastardized a Larry & Bob saying in the last post….here I am posting another pic from RWA National. Yes, that’s me. With a glass of wine in my hand. Yes, drinking. Again. But notice that there is NO KEYBOARD anywhere near that glass of wine! Thanks Suzanne for that pic. I think…

In other news, my conference roomie, Michelle Willingham is back from Ireland. Yay! She is posting Ireland stories at her blog. Go check it out.