wine on the keyboard

March 2007

Things on my desk

by Kay~Kacey on 3/20/2007

Do you put things on your desk that you just like? They really have no “desk value?” I have some paper weights…that I don’t use as paper weights :mrgreen: I just like to see the sun shine through them.

Do you have junk I mean stuff important things on your desk that you just need to have there, but don’t really serve any purpose??


by Kay~Kacey on 3/18/2007

So do you do anything special to get your mind into a book when you’re writing? Play a certain song or CD? Light a candle? Always sit in the same place? Have a bottle of water beside you? Perform certain rituals before you actually start writing?

On this new story I’ve been doing two things to get my mind into the book. One…I turn on my fountain on my desk:

Two…I play Mary Chapin Carpenter tunes on I-Tunes. This story just begged for her music:

So do you do anything special to get your mind into your writing? Does it change from book to book?

what do you do to procrastinate?

by Kay~Kacey on 3/9/2007

I’ve actually had a great writing week so far…but I did catch myself procrastinating a few times when the writing wasn’t going so well.

Like the top of my refrigerator is now perfectly clean… When is the last time you cleaned the top of YOUR fridge… 😯 I also washed my front door. Yes, I know, but it needed it :rofl:

So what unusual things have you done in an effort to procrastinate??