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wine on the keyboard

Now on to the hard stuff

by Kay~Kacey on 5/23/2007

The Me Me Me weekend was a great success. Didn’t do half the things I planned to do. Didn’t care. In a weird twist, I totally cleaned my bedroom and bathroom. Deep cleaned. Not what I was expecting to do, but it’s so nice to have that all done! Various kids were in and out this weekend, so it was nice to chat with them. Just a great time.

This week I finally figured out what was wrong with my proposal. I think 🙄 So I hope to get that mailed out next week, after one more pass through the synopsis. And a bit of research on trees in Mississippi :anyone:

Michelle Willingham May 23, 2007 at 5:01 pm

Trees in Mississippi,huh? Good luck! 🙂 Glad your weekend was nice. :bath:

Melissa May 24, 2007 at 8:38 am

A Me Me Me weekend…I need one of those!:typing:

Amy May 27, 2007 at 8:11 pm

Cleaning? Deep cleaning? *shudder* I bet it’s nice to have it DONE though. Kind of like it’s nice to have a book done. lolol I sometimes prefer having written.

Rene May 30, 2007 at 6:41 pm

Sometimes I really enjoy doing a deep clean. It actually makes me think about my writing. Plus, there is the immediate satisfaction of knowing and seeing it done.

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