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wine on the keyboard

Day 11

by Kay~Kacey on 6/20/2007

Day 11 of my 250 words for 25 days. Very proud of myself. But I find it’s not doing what I want it to do. Well, it gets me to open the file, but then I feel like I can stop after a page or so 🙄 …when my “normal” writing is about 5-10 pages a day. Somewhere in there.

So I guess my next challenge will be something different. That will make me push myself more. Though this has made me open the file and just write SOMETHING, even on some really nasty days where I would have punted writing for the day if not for this challenge.

What’s your “normal” :typing: writing speed? How many new words or pages a day? Do you set a goal for the day? Week?

Suzanne June 21, 2007 at 8:28 am

You’re doing great, Kacey!!!!!:woot:

Michelle Willingham June 21, 2007 at 1:06 pm

Normal writing speed is 3 pages a day when I’m working and 7-10 pages a day when I’m not. This is why my 5 pages while not working is…um…not working for me. Must do more! :mad2:

Keep at it, Kacey! :typing:

Melissa June 21, 2007 at 2:18 pm

Since I’m not writing anything new right now (at least not on the novels), but plotting and doing character work for the upcoming project.

I still think writing every day keeps you “in shape”, even if you don’t do as much as you want. My advice is to just keep going when you feel like you can stop after 250 – be a rebel! 😉

Tori Lennox June 21, 2007 at 2:25 pm

You’re doing great, Kacey!!! :believe:

Cindy June 24, 2007 at 10:29 am

When I was writing novels 2-3 pages a day was normal for me. Now that I’m doing scripts (just for a change of pace) 6-7 is the norm. I agree with Melissa. Writing everyday keeps you in shape. I open the file and write something, anything every day.

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