wine on the keyboard

June 2009


by Kay~Kacey on 6/23/2009

No, not coordination like in graceful or not falling on your face. I mean coordination of outfits. You know, like when I coordinate my hair elastics with my tshirt

Well, it appears I also coordinate my nail polish with my jammie pants! Who knew?? :rofl:


Yes, I’m just always such a fashion statement! 🙄

So, for those of you asking about the color of my nail polish, it is OPI Chapel of Love :love:

Gotta love those OPI nail polish names!

My New Addiction

by Kay~Kacey on 6/22/2009

Do you think this might be a possible cure for my milk glass collecting addiction?


I seem to be hopelessly

macro purple flower


purple daisy close up

to taking macro photos

little purple flower

of purple flowers. Really, do you think this might be the cure for my milk glass addiction?? :believe:

Yeah, I didn’t think so either…. :rofl:

Life in Focus-Extraordinary

by Kay~Kacey on 6/20/2009


In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.  ~Aaron Rose

Go out and find the extraordinary around you this weekend. Have a good one!