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wine on the keyboard

New Way to Communicate

by Kay~Kacey on 5/11/2010

So, we got together with a gaggle of the family for Mother’s Day. What did the boys do?


(pardon the lousy iPhone pic)

They played Words With Friends on their iphones. So they play each other all the time…I thought it was a bit strange that they would sit in the same room and play each other… I had to threaten The Impish One with death and disinheritance if he dared played with his brothers as he drove back to college after dinner! :mad2:

So do any of you have the app Words with Friends on your iPhone and play it? They think it’s the neatest thing since sliced bread. They had a group over the other night and they all sat around playing Words with Friends with each other… mostly in silence…Hm.

I’m thinking if I play with them, I might even get a chance to communicate with them more! I could use words like “call” “mom” “brush” “your” “teeth”.  :lips: What do you think? Any of you play?

Di May 11, 2010 at 8:03 am

Erm, no…. in fact we don’t even use the cell phone we have but maybe twice a month. iPhones are way cool but we can’t justify spending the money on the phone, the monthly phone service on one, or the apps. I really don’t understand how some people afford it. We purchase $100 worth of phone time a year and don’t even use it all up. Glad your family enjoys it though. 🙂

Mental P Mama May 11, 2010 at 8:15 am

I do not have that app. Yet;) :dance:

Katie L May 11, 2010 at 10:31 am

I might have to get that app!! Does it really crash as much as the reviews say it does??

Karen May 12, 2010 at 5:04 am

WWF is addictive. I play with both my adult kids, the chat feature is great. Just another way to give advice to them!!!

You can play on your itouch using wifi as well so you don’t have to spend the money on an iphone.

Misty Dawn May 13, 2010 at 9:10 am

I don’t have an iphone *pout* *pout* Can’t justify it to Hubs… he’s such a funsucker.

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