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wine on the keyboard

Definition of Insanity

by Kay~Kacey on 7/28/2010

You know how they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again…and expecting different results??? :mad2:

Picture this, if you will. It rains. SuperGuy says “do you know how much it rained?” I answer “nope.”.  Next time it rains, SuperGuy asks, “do you know how much it rained?” I answer “nope.”  Rinse and repeat. I mean this has been going on for YEARS and it is driving me insane! Why would I magically know how much it rained??

So…being the smart person I am…you know, after like 10 years…


SuperGuy’s very own rain gauge! (I’m quick like that… :toofunny:   )

So, he better not be asking me how much rain we got anymore, I’m just sayin’ !!

David July 28, 2010 at 6:25 am

SuperGuy would make a great farmer. A friend and I were looking for a dove lease. We met this farmer, got in his truck and he was taking us around showing us the various dove fields we would be allowed to hunt if we got on his lease. On one of the little country roads, another farmer came from the other direction. They both stopped, rolled down the windows and TURNED OFF THEIR ENGINES! Ah oh, I guess this is going to take a while! They proceeded to have a fifteen minute conversation. The topic? How many inches (pronounced “eeenches”) of rain they had gotten in each of their various fields. I bet SuperGuy would have enjoyed getting in on that conversation!

Mental P Mama July 28, 2010 at 8:48 am

LOL. My husband is obsessed with all things rain gauge….welcome to my pitiful world. :help:

Cheri July 28, 2010 at 10:55 am

Wait until he graduates to the full weather station complete with wind whirlygig mounted on the house, rain gauge and complete monitor (with back up battery in case the power goes out) next to the bed… yes, bed…

Kacey July 29, 2010 at 8:30 pm

Ssh!!! Cheri! Do NOT even say that outloud or I’m sure we’ll have one here too…next to the bed… :mad2:

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