wine on the keyboard

October 2010

All About the Flowers

by Kay~Kacey on 10/19/2010

I’m hanging onto every last glorious moment of warm weather.


…as are my pretty flowers.


still blooming in this wonderful weather with the days in the 70’s. In OCTOBER!


Yes, I could gladly live without winter. I’m so not a winter weather person.


So I’m going to ignore the fact that people keep telling me it’s fall…and I’m going to hold firmly to my belief that these lovely flowers will just keep on blooming. Anyone want to join me in my fantasy world?

The Last BBQ

by Kay~Kacey on 10/18/2010

We had wonderful weather this weekend and decided to have one last BBQ. We actually had my sister, bil, and my nephew over. They introduced us to Raclette Grilling. Yum. It’s a Swiss thing and my bil is swiss. Well, you know, somewhere in his past.

So we set up the backyard one more time.


Yes, the table cloth doesn’t go with the dishes. I’ll remedy that next summer…


We had a well stocked bar table…of course. You’d expect anything less from us?


Complete with champagne chilling in a Cardinals’ bucket to serve up with the chocolate fondue we had for dessert. Yum. (2 – 11 oz packages of chocolate chips, 1 cup of whipping cream. Heat in fondue. Very, very yummy. Served with strawberries and pound cake for dipping in it.)


We had just a touch of moonlight and did turn on the heaters by the end of the evening. . .and did I mention we ate way, way too much? We seem to do that with my sister and brother-in-law.


We put out the lights on the arbor for one last time for the season. Sigh. The end of summer. Official now.

Oh, here is a raclette in case you were clueless like SuperGuy and I.

The Real World

by Kay~Kacey on 10/15/2010

Yes, I know, we’ve been home from vacation for a couple of weeks now. I should really be getting used to real life. I am having the. hardest. time. I don’t know, I kind of feel like there is something big looming over me ready to crash down on me…
