wine on the keyboard

May 2011

Mason Jars

by Kay~Kacey on 5/20/2011

flowers in mason jar

Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day – like writing a poem or saying a prayer.
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I’ve become quite taken with old Mason Jars. I love them for vases, candle holders…well, just about anything. I love the perfect shade of blue they are. I bought a whole boxful to use for candles outside in the courtyard…you know, if the sun ever shines again.

Not that I’m not addicted to other vases too…like milk glass, you know. But Mason Jars just really appeal to my sense of…I don’t know…my sense of blue??

Enjoy your weekend, my friends. Hope you have some sunshine in your days.

It’s that time of year

by Kay~Kacey on 5/18/2011


…when SuperGuy and I try to decide where we’re going to go on our September vacation…

Outer Banks again, maybe. If we could find a quiet area, on the beach..where you can actually see the shore, not just the dunes. Or maybe St. Augustine again. Their beach was wonderful and the area we stayed was quiet. We always like Fort Morgan out of Gulf Shores. Notice the beach theme though…any suggestions for this year?


2)Directly on the Beach


My Sister Loves Me

by Kay~Kacey on 5/17/2011

just sayin’

Yuengling Beer

She knows about my new found love of Yuenling Beer…and brought me back a case of it when she went to retrieve my nephew from college in Pennsylvania. She’s a good sister. (and I thank my nephew for going to college on the east coast so my sister could snag me some beer. Always an important part of deciding where to go to college! :hysterical: )